To complement our Measurements and Parallel extensions, the Graphite extension sends measurements to a Graphite-compatible listener (Carbon, InfluxDB, etc). This allows, for example, viewing load test measurements live in a compatible UI, such as Graphite, Grafana or Chronograf.
After installing the extension (via the Extensions… button), it must be configured with the hostname and port that Graphite will be listening to.
You will also need a Periodic Measurement Collector plugin running, which was added in the Measurement extension 0.2 release. The periodic collector gathers the measurements and sends them to the Graphite plugin. It has a … Continue reading »
The Muse Test Framework is designed around extensibility – and specifically around the ease of adding new types of steps and value sources. The intent was to make it easy for 3rd parties to add new abilities to the framework and have those abilities seamlessly integrated into the MuseIDE without much effort. This made it a natural choice for us when looking to develop new load testing capabilities beyond our current tools such as Load Tester.
This first version of the OkHttp extension is very simple – almost embarassingly so. It provides just a handful of new capabilties:
Create … Continue reading »
Executing a load test implies running many tests at the same time…making this ability a crucial part of my work to add load testing capabilities to the Muse Test Framework and MuseIDE. This extension provides just that feature – running multiple tests in a test suite in parallel. After all, a load test is really just a test suite executed with a high level of parallelism and additional (performance) goals.
The Measurements extension adds performance measurement features to tests developed with the MuseIDE. The 0.2 release adds several new plugins that are crucial to our goal of using Muse for load testing: Periodic Measurement Collector, Store Measurements to Local Filesystem, Store Measurements to CSV and the Step Measurements Producer.
The Measurements extension is a free (and open-source) project extension for MuseIDE and the Muse Test Framework that adds evaluation of performance criteria to a test. This initial release adds two new capabilities:
Collect and store the durations of steps in the test, for later analysis.
Compare the duration of steps to performance goals and record a test failure when the goal is exceeded.
The extension is available for installation directly within the MuseIDE: after opening your project, go to Extensions and switch to the Available tab. The Measurement extension can be installed into your project with the click of a button:
Each … Continue reading »