validator - Web Performance

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Showing posts tagged “validator”

Testing tip: Make it Fail

We recently had a case of debugging a testcase where Load Tester reported an error with a page that looked and appeared just as it should, except it was missing a link the user needed to move forward. Debugging this case was easy: examine the replay two pages prior to the error, and the server had added a red error message to the page indicating the selected criteria was not valid.
So why didn’t Load Tester flag this error from the server? Beneath the error message, the page was exactly identical to the expect page: form fields were present and filled … Continue reading »

Keeping Your Load Testing Cases Current (How To)

Maybe you’ve just finished your first crack at testing, handed some results up to the development team, and are just got a note that the dev team has revamped the site in preparation for the next test. Or maybe you completed testing last month and are ready to retest the site against any regressions. Are all the testcases setup from the last round of testing still going to work? Are you going to have to create all new testcases? Here are a few quick ways to find out:
1. Run a replay with your existing testcases. If the replay fails … Continue reading »

Status code 200 didn’t match expected: 304

Suppose you’ve got a testcase that either worked in the past, or just works sometimes, but now seems to be giving you an error: “The status code of the response (200) did not match the status code of the response in the Testcase (304)”. This particular error message is probably not a serious error, but it usually means that your test isn’t quite emulating what a real browser would do.
Fixing this problem in Load Tester is usually easy. Just right click on your testcase, select Properties, and then go to the “Restart Options” tab. Simply check the last checkbox: “Update … Continue reading »


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