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Load Testing Blog

Showing posts tagged “load engine”

Fixing: Unable to Establish Connection to the server

In this example case, we ran into a situation where a load engine could not resolve the hostname of the server being tested, even though Load Tester was able to record & replay against the server without any difficulty. This problem appears immediately, but only when running a Load Test with the troubled load engine. By using the Engines View in Load Tester, we were able to select and use each Load Engine separately in a Load Test, until the faulty engine had been isolated (this sort of problem will show errors coming back from the engine within seconds, and … Continue reading »

Keeping your HOSTS files in sync with Load Tester 4.1

Load Tester 4.1 has a number of exciting new features, but in this post, let’s discuss one of the less obvious features: a hosts file which is automatically synchronized with all your Load Engines.
Consider how often this happens: the development environment is mirrored from your production environment, and then updated to an internal version of the application, ready for testing. Since the development environment is otherwise a mirror of the production system, it is configured with the same virtual hostnames as your production environment, and / or it may share the same SSL certificates which identify it with the hostname … Continue reading »

How User Ramping Works – Part Two

In part 1 of How User Ramping Works, we discussed how to set up a user ramp configuration for a test.  When you’ve done that, recorded and replayed your test cases to perfection, loaded your datasets, configured your load engines, and set up your server agents, what actually happens when you push the big green button?
The first thing Load Tester does is go through a setup sequence that configures the load engines for the coming test.  This can take a while, especially if you’ve configured large datasets or large numbers of files to be … Continue reading »


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