connections - Web Performance

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Showing posts tagged “connections”

A Unique Browser approach to Fast: Opera Turbo

We’ve seen that modern browsers have made great strides to improve efficiency in rendering and javascript performance. But, the differences seem to be less noticeable when the network is stubborn. On a recent trip, I ran into just this problem. During the evening, the hotel’s local Wi-Fi seemed at peak capacity, the DNS servers were sluggish, and just getting connections opened often added a couple seconds. Getting onto common sites like Slashdot seemed to take 30 seconds or more from the overburdened local connection.
This seemed like a golden opportunity to try out one of Opera’s new features: Opera … Continue reading »

Load Testing with IE 8.0, Firefox 3.5

The performance improvements in the latest browsers (Internet Explorer 8.0 and Firefox 3.5) have been eagerly awaited for many months…though they come at a price.


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