Create verify steps on-the-fly during real-browser recording in 6.4 release - Web Performance

Create verify steps on-the-fly during real-browser recording in 6.4 release

Verifying elements and text on the page is an important part of every testcase. Web Performance Tester makes this easy by adding verify steps directly from the browser while recording the testcase. The Verify option in the browsers pop-up menu provides a list of the most common verifications:

Verify Suggestion Example

In addition to verifying the page title and URL, there are three categories of verifications supported:

For any element, you can verify:

For any field (text input, button, checkbox, etc) you can verify:

By selecting text on the page, you can verify the selected text:

Creating verify steps during recording will be included in the 6.4 release. Look for it in early October!


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