Extracting Values from the Browser - Web Performance

Extracting Values from the Browser

Occasionally, a testcase requires a bit of information from one page in the testcase to be used on another page, later in the testcase. In some cases, this is exactly what a real user would do (e.g. click on a link chosen based on text that appeared earlier). Other times, it is a hidden identifier that is used to choose the right element from a list later. Either way, an Extract a value step can be used to get data from the browser.


In the above example, an attribute value is extracted and stored in a user state variable named invoice_number. This value can be anywhere a datasource is configured (by configuring a user state variable datasource), such as a Type or Verify step.

Values can be extracted from these sources:

As always, if you have questions about this new feature, please comment here or contact us. We’re here to help!

Chris Merrill, Chief Engineer

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