Supported Browsers (real browsers) - Web Performance

Supported Browsers (real browsers)


Web Performance Tester supports recording with Chrome. Replaying testcases is supported in Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer. Load testing is supported only with Chrome.

For more details:


Load Tester fully supports the Chrome browser for all operations:

Versions: the 3 most recent versions available when Web Performance Tester was released.

Our cloud engines have been carefully tuned to run Chrome as accurately as possible on Windows Servers in the cloud.


Supported for Replaying testcases (QA Tester) on Windows and OSX. We do not have a recording extension/plugin for Firefox, so recording must still be performed with Chrome.

Versions: the latest version available when Web Performance Tester was released.

Load Testing: not officially supported. However, our limited testing experience with Firefox has been positive. It is possible to load test with Firefox by adding this line to the file in your Web Performance workspace:


We can’t make any guarantees about how well it will work or how accurate the engines will be under load testing conditions, but we’ll be happy to assist you in this endeavor.

Internet Explorer

Supported for Replaying testcases (QA Tester). We do not have a recording extension/plugin for Internet Explorer, so recording must still be performed with Chrome.

Versions: The latest version available for the platform (IE 11 on Windows 7 and 8, IE 9 on Vista).

Load Testing: not supported. IE does not support configurations that would allow it to run as multiple different users under a single user account. To setup an environment capable of testing accurately with IE, you must setup multiple user accounts on each load engine. Our cloud engines are not (yet) ready for this. However, if you are interested in pursuing this option in your own test lab, we can show you how to configure Load Tester to use a different user account for each virtual user. We can’t make any guarantees about how well it will work or how accurate the engines will be under load testing conditions, but we’ll be happy to help you where we can. Feel free to contact us.

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A Durham web design company


(1) 919-845-7601 9AM-5PM EST

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