Understanding the Page Grouper - Web Performance

Understanding the Page Grouper

One of the key capabilities of Web Performance Load Tester is the page grouper.  This is one of those systems for which, the fewer people notice it, the better it is performing.  Essentially the page grouper takes a long list of HTTP transactions in a test case and organizes them, using timing, and/or content and referrer analysis, into a series of logical pages.

If we do this well, we assume that the list of pages we see in a test script after a recording are the same as the logical pages an end user would witness in a browser — each page representing a distinct step of the test script.

Within each page, we identify a key resource, specifically, the first HTML content that is not a forward to a different resource.  Presumably, the key resource is the one that identifies all of the other resources needed to render the page.  This is the resource that shows up as the title

We use the page information in several ways: to reconstruct pages correctly in the content view, to assess page duration goals and provide a realistic assessment of the end user’s experience,

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