Load Test Report
50 + 50 up to 300

Executive Summary

User Capacity

The User Capacity Analysis calculates how many users the application can support based on the configured performance goals. See the User Capacity section for a more detailed analysis.

Estimated User Capacity at least 100
  less than 150
Maximum Users Analyzed 300

go to User Capacity section >>

Performance Goals

50 Users All goals passed All goals passed
100 Users All goals passed All goals passed
150 Users goal failed 1 goal failed
200 Users goal failed 1 goal failed
250 Users goal failed 1 goal failed
300 Users goals failed 6 goals failed

go to Performance Goals section >>

Slowest Pages

The chart belows show the slowest pages, as determined by the page durations measured during the test. See the Slowest Pages section for a more detailed analysis.

go to Slowest Pages section >>

Top-level Metrics

Page Duration

The Page Duration chart shows the minimum, maximum and average page duration for all pages in the test that completed during the sample periods summarized for each user level. Note that the page duration includes the time required to retrieve all resources for the page from the server. It includes network transmission time but not browser rendering time. In a well-performing system, the page durations should remain below the required limits up to or beyond the required load (number of users), subject to the performance requirements set forth for the system.

Page Completion Rate

The Page Completion Rate chart shows the total number of pages completed per second during the sample periods summarized for each user level. In a well-performing system, this number should scale linearly with the applied load (number of users).

Bandwidth Consumption

The Bandwidth chart shows the total bandwidth consumed by traffic generated directly by the load test engines during the sample periods summarized for each user level. In a system that is not constrained by bandwidth, this number should scale linearly with the applied load (number of users). Note that other sources of bandwidth may be active during a test and may even be caused indirectly by the load test but may not be included in this metric. If the Advanced Server Analysis module was used to collect server metrics, refer to the Servers section of the report for more detailed data. The bandwidth consumption is described in terms of the servers; i.e. outgoing bandwidth refers to data sent by the server to the browser.


The failures section chart illustrates how the total number of page failures and the page failure rate changed throughout the test relative to the sample periods summarized for each user level. A page can fail for any number of reasons, including failures in the network and servers (web, application or database). See the Failures section of the report for details on the page failures encountered. In a well-performing system, this number should be zero.

Waiting Users

The Waiting Users and Average Wait Time metrics help diagnose certain types of performance problems. For example, they can help determine what pages users have stopped on when a server becomes non-responsive. The 'Waiting Users' metric counts the number of users waiting to complete a web page at the end of the sample periods summarized for each user level. The 'Average Wait Time' describes the amount of time, on average, that each of those users has been waiting to complete the page.

go to Top-level Metrics section >>

Server Metrics

go to Servers section >>

Report generated by Web Performance Load Tester version 1.0.0